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School Council/ Cyngor Ysgol

Bradley ydw i. Rydw i yn 6. I like drawing and doing maths challenges in school. At home I like playing Minecraft. I wanted to be part of the school council to make sure it's a happy place for everyone.This page is currently awaiting content

Paige ydw i. Rydw i yn 7. I like drawing and playing with the kinetic sand. I wanted to be on the school council because I love everyone and that's why I am on the school council. I like helping everyone.

Finley ydw i. Rydw i yn 6. I like going to my karate lessons and going to play football - Mum is looking for a team for me to join. I like learning in school and growing my brain - it's going to be massive. I love everything about school. I wanted to be part of the school council because I knew I could make positive changes.

Izabella ydw i.